10 Essential Tips for Planning Your Dream Bathroom… Create a Home Bathing Haven

white and gold dream bathroom by Plush Design Renovations, Adelaide

Image by Plush Design Interiors


Planning your dream bathroom has never been easier. Modern bathrooms have evolved from simple functional spaces to luxurious retreats in our homes. With the rise of multiple bathrooms in households, including en-suites and powder rooms, planning your dream bathroom has never been more important.


Your dream bathroom will be a sanctuary from your hectic life. So from choosing the perfect bathtub to incorporating smart fixtures, every luxurious detail counts. In this blog post, we'll share ten top essential tips for planning your dream bathroom. Ready?

Free Standing Bathing Beauties

When it comes to baths, free-standing options are increasingly popular. To make the most of your space, ensure you leave enough room around the bath for easy cleaning and visual appeal. I usually try to leave at least 200mm gap between the wall and the bath (despite what you see on The Block) #eyeroll

Consider a D-shaped bath if you have limited space or children. This is a bath that is free-standing on the sides but one side is attached to the wall – like a letter D. This gives the illusion of a free standing bath without the extra cleaning issues (or lost bath toys down the side).

And always position your bath where you can enjoy a view, whether it's in front of a window or against a feature wall. Pop in a stylish stool for your champagne glass #justsayin’sign interiors are interior colour specialists in Adelaide.

planning your dream bathroom with a freestanding bath and feature tiles. Plsh Design Renovations, Adelaide

Image by Plush Design Interiors

Luxury Finishes

To achieve a truly luxurious look, opt for floor-to-ceiling tiles in planning your dream bathroom. This not only adds a touch of elegance but also makes cleaning easier and hygienic. Consider using the same tile finish on both the walls and floors for a cohesive look. Or use the same tile finish but lighter on the walls and darker on the floor.

Alternatively, create visual interest by using a darker tile on the floor, a different lighter tile on the walls, and a feature tile on a specific wall or behind the vanity.

Venetian plaster and micro-cement are increasingly popular for a luxury or organic finish in your bathroom. These finishes are bathroom-friendly with the increased benefit of no grout lines.

Create a heritage-inspired feel by combining tiles and bathroom-friendly wallpaper. For example, a half wall of tile or wainscoting with wallpaper above. This is not suitable for the shower, of course, so plan accordingly.

Functional Flooring (but still gorgeous):

When planning your dream bathroom, choose bathroom flooring that is both beautiful and functional. Waterproof hybrid floors with a wood-look finish (not in the shower) or wood-look tiles are a popular option. However, hard-wearing porcelain, polished concrete, and well-sealed natural stone remain timeless choices.

There’s also a lot to be said for having the same flooring that flows seamlessly into your shower. So this means choosing a suitable option, such as porcelain tile.

Opting for large format tiles reduces the amount of grout and creates a seamless look. You can even incorporate matching grates to maintain a cohesive flooring design. Decide if you want the grout colour to be matched to the tile for cohesion or different from the tile colour so the area pops.

planning your dream bathroom with a blck and white heritage vibe, feature flooring, plush design renovations, Adelaide

Image by Plush Design Interiors

Vanities + Basins

For a luxurious touch, consider wall-hung vanities with deep drawers and twin basins. If this isn't within your budget, focus on a vanity with a high-quality surface that mimics marble or is made of engineered stone. Both under-mounted and above-counter basins are popular choices, so pick the one that suits your style and preferences.

If your wall isn’t able to be manipulated to hold the weight of a wall-hung vanity, have a custom vanity with very deep kickers designed for you. Strip lighting underneath will give the illusion that it’s floating #experttip

Plus, always ensure your tapware doesn’t send the water flow straight down the pug hole OR doesn’t fall over the edge of the basin. This is a rookie mistake I see too often.

Dream Bathroom Styling

Transform your dream bathroom into a haven of relaxation and glamour with thoughtful styling. Hang artwork on the walls, but ensure they are protected from moisture. Place flowers or an orchid plant on the countertop. Faux is fine. Treat yourself to fluffy towels, scented soaps, and high-quality beauty products. Enhance the ambiance with a soft scent from a scented candle or essential oil diffuser.

dream bathroom filled with colourful flowers, Plush Design Interiors, Adelaide

Image by Plush Design Interiors


Proper lighting is crucial for creating the right atmosphere in your bathroom. Install a combination of task lighting, such as vanity lights, and ambient lighting, like recessed lights or a chandelier. Incorporating dimmer switches allows you to adjust the lighting intensity to suit your needs and mood.

The best position for lighting if you apply makeup in your bathroom is on the side of the mirror not the top, which will cast shadows. And never place a working light fixture above the bath or wall sconces too close to a shower outlet. If you want the effect of a light fixture above the bath, don’t connect it to electricity.

Maximise natural light whenever you can. Install bigger windows or even a sky window if you don’t have the wall space or you have an ugly view.

Planning your dream bathroom requires thinking about and planning for all the functional AND luxury items.

Storage Solutions

To maintain a clutter-free environment, invest in sufficient storage options. Cabinets, shelves, and drawers can help you organise towels, toiletries, and other essentials.

Make use of vertical space with tall cabinets or floating shelves. Consider built-in niches in the shower or near the bathtub for convenient storage of toiletries… and high-quality Australian candles.

dream bathroom storage by Plush Design Renovations, Adelaide

Image by Plush Design Interiors

Mirror Magic

Mirrors not only serve a functional purpose but also create the illusion of space. Opt for a large mirror or a mirrored cabinet above the vanity to reflect light and add depth to the room. Consider adding magnifying mirrors for close-up tasks like makeup application or shaving.

Smart Fixtures

Embrace the convenience and luxury of smart fixtures when planning your dream bathroom. Sensor-activated taps promote water conservation or use touchless operation. Smart shower systems allow you to control water temperature and flow, while heated towel racks provide comfort. Explore the options that suit your needs and enhance your overall bathroom experience.

Greenery and Natural Elements

Bringing elements of nature into your bathroom can create a calming and refreshing ambiance. Choose plants that thrive in humid environments, such as ferns or orchids, to add a touch of greenery.

Incorporate natural materials like bamboo, stone, or wood to evoke a spa-like atmosphere. Just ensure that the plants and materials you select are suitable for the moist environment of a bathroom.

Balinese style dream bathroom looking over lush foliage, Plush Design Renovations, Adelaide

Image by Plush Design Interiors

Designing your dream bathroom involves careful planning and attention to detail. From selecting the right bathtub and finishes to incorporating smart fixtures and natural elements, every choice contributes to the overall aesthetic and functionality of your space.

By following these ten essential tips, you'll be well on your way to creating a luxurious bathroom that meets your needs and provides a haven for relaxation.

Need Help Designing Your Bathing Haven?

Who doesn’t love a calm, restful and also functional new bathroom? If you would like to discuss planning your dream bathroom, please get in touch and have an obligation-free chat or book an initial consultation.

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