Plush Design Renovations

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Rediscovering Mid-Century Modern Charm: Transforming Homes in Aldgate and Bridgewater

Interior design by Plush Design Interiors. Renovation design by Plush Design Renovations. Demolition and build by Double A. Development

Hey there, fellow design enthusiasts! 🏡 It's Penelope, and I'm thrilled to dive into the exciting world of mid-century modern design with you. I live in the picturesque Adelaide Hills of South Australia (in Aldgate) which provides the perfect canvas for breathing new life into these timeless gems.

Let's explore how we can turn your dreams of a quintessential mid-century modern home in Aldgate or Bridgewater into a reality… actually regardless of where you live.

Preserving the Past, Embracing the Present

Mid-century modern design evolved after the war ended in 1945, with one eye on mass production technology and another on optimism for the future. Often referred to as the father of mid-century modern design, George Nelson created the Bubble Lamp which became a design icon.

The charm of mid-century modern homes lies in their fusion of clean lines, functional spaces, and a delightful blend of indoor-outdoor living. Preserving the core elements while infusing modern sensibilities is key.

Start by embracing those iconic features—rafted ceilings, large windows, split levels, and open layouts—while updating them to meet today's comfort and sustainability standards. I don’t recommend being a slave to the mid-century era. But rather, be sympathetic to the history of your home. Celebrate the wonderful architectural elements and up-date with sparkling modernity.

Interior design by Plush Design Interiors. Renovation design by Plush Design Renovations. Demolition and build by Double A. Development

Creating Openness with Split-Level Design

Ah, split-level homes, the epitome of architectural creativity! I adore split-level homes (I was always obsessed with stairs when I was a kid). However, now in our designs we harness their uniqueness to craft dynamic living areas that flow seamlessly.

Picture this: stepping down into a sun-soaked living space, up to an elevated dining area with a view, or having a kitchen that bridges the gap, inviting conversations to flourish. These levels can be a playground for your love of bold colours and playful patterns, echoing the spirit of the era.

Further, mid-century modern homes boast wonderfully open floor plans which can enhance socialisation and family life, or be closed off with concealed sliding doors providing privacy when desired.

Balancing Bold and Subdued

Now, let's talk aesthetics! Bold colours and daring patterns were hallmarks of mid-century interiors. Infuse these elements tastefully by selecting a vibrant colour palette for accent walls, furnishings, and accessories.

Balance these with subdued tones to avoid overwhelming the space. Think of a serene base with vibrant splashes—a cosy retreat that's also visually invigorating.

Interior design by Plush Design Interiors. Renovation design by Plush Design Renovations. Demolition and build by Double A. Development

Bringing the Outdoors In

Mid-century modern design was all about blending indoor and outdoor spaces. Large windows allowed natural light to flood interiors, blurring the lines between nature and living spaces.

Embrace the landscape around Aldgate and Bridgewater by maximizing window sizes. Create cozy reading nooks, or set up a spot to sip your champagne while soaking in the beauty of your surroundings.

The home I grew up in offered doors to the garden from every bedroom (so special) and huge expanses of glass overlooking the garden. The interior and exteriors blended seamlessly with an abundance of foliage spilling over patios and autumnal tones of greens, coppers, mustards and blues in the decor.

Image by Max Harlynking

Functional Furnishings and Custom Joinery

Here's where the expertise of an interior designer, such as myself, comes into play! Custom joinery can work wonders in maximising storage while maintaining a sleek look. Most mid-century homes did have great storage, unlike some modern boxes built today (don’t get me started).

Think of built-in shelving units that not only house your collection of French and Scandinavian movies but also serve as artful displays. And seamless walls of kitchen cabinetry or bedroom wardrobes in natural wood with striking wooden handles. Retro AND modern.

When selecting furniture, opt for pieces that pay homage to mid-century design yet are comfortable and practical for modern living.

In fact, scour reputable second-hand shops for sturdy and well-designed original mid-century furniture and reupholster with modern fabrics sympathetic (but not a slave to) the era. This provides the mid-century shape and structure with a modern feel. Perfect!

Designing for the Heart and Soul

As an interior designer with a passion for creating meaningful spaces, I know that the magic lies in the details. Personal touches like curated artwork, vintage finds, and perhaps a cozy corner for your beloved dogs can infuse your home with character and warmth. Each element should resonate with your love for interior design, making your home a reflection of who you are.

Image by Max Harlynking

Embarking on Your Design Journey

Redesigning a mid-century home anywhere, including my local suburbs of Aldgate or Bridgewater, isn't just about aesthetics—it's about crafting an environment that celebrates a love for design and storytelling.

Embrace the quirks, infuse modern functionality, and let the spirit of mid-century modern charm guide you. Your journey will undoubtedly inspire fellow home lovers if you post on Instagram or Pinterest.

Captivating Colour Palettes

Mid-century modern design is known for its adventurous use of colour. When selecting your colour palette, aim for a balanced combination of both vibrant and neutral tones.

Here are a few colour ideas that can evoke the essence of the era:

Teal and Mustard: These iconic mid-century colours create a sense of vibrancy and nostalgia. Use teal for accent walls or upholstery and mustard for smaller accessories like throw pillows or decorative items.

Neutral Bases: To offset the bold colours, opt for neutral base colours like whites, creams, and light grays. These hues create a serene backdrop, allowing your statement pieces to shine.

Wood Tones: Embrace the warm tones of wood, a staple of mid-century interiors. Teak and walnut are popular choices for furniture and cabinetry, adding natural warmth to the space.

Retro Reds and Oranges: Incorporate a pop of retro red or orange to add energy and flair. Consider these colours for accent furniture, like a statement chair or a coffee table.

Fabrics with Character

Mid-century modern design encourages you to play with textures and patterns, giving your space a dynamic and inviting feel.

Here are some fabric choices that capture the spirit of the era:

Geometric Patterns: Think of playful geometric patterns for upholstery and throw pillows. These patterns add a touch of whimsy and can be the focal point of the room.

Bold Prints: Embrace bold and abstract prints that were popular during the mid-century period. These prints can be used for draperies, accent chairs, or even lampshades.

Velvet and Tweed: Mid-century design often featured fabrics like velvet and tweed. These textures can add depth and luxury to your space, creating a comfortable and inviting atmosphere.

Mix and Match: Don't be afraid to mix different textures and patterns. Combining a geometric-patterned rug with a tweed sofa and velvet accent chairs can create a visually captivating ensemble.

Tile Patterns for Elegance

Tiles can be a fantastic way to infuse mid-century modern charm into your home. Consider the following tile patterns for various spaces:

Hexagon Tiles: These tiles can be used in bathrooms or kitchens to create a retro vibe. Choose muted or pastel shades for a subtle nod to the era.

Subway Tiles: Classic subway tiles with a twist can add a modern touch. Consider using coloured grout to create contrast and visual interest. For example, we used a grey grout on blue subway tiles in a mid-century modern laundry renovation.

Terrazzo Tiles: Terrazzo tiles are making a comeback, and they're perfect for mid-century modern spaces. Their speckled appearance adds a touch of playful elegance. See our blue and terrazzo bathroom in the image above.

Mosaic Patterns: Mosaic tiles in vibrant colors can be used as accents on backsplashes or even as a feature wall in a living area. We used gorgeous mosaic tiles on the floor and wall of the pale teal and peach bathroom seen above.

Image by Matheus Frade

Remember, the key to a successful mid-century modern interior lies in the balance between bold statements and understated elegance. Our love for interior design will guide you in selecting the perfect colours, fabrics, and tiles that resonate with the heart and soul of each space. Happy designing! 🎨🛋️🌈